Harry Potter: Hermione/Severus, Five Senses

Apr 01, 2006 23:45

Title: A Different Slant of Light 2/5.
Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Notes: Written for stagesoflove for prompt #2 of the five senses: hearing. Set post-war.
Word Count: 367

“What is wrong with the two of you?” Hermione angrily asked.
“Nothing, but I could ask the same of you,” Ron replied, equally angry with his friend.
”Since when have you become Snape’s champion?”
”Since he helped us on the battlefield. Or did you forget that?”
”No doubt that was just to save his own pathetic skin.”
”He saved your sister from Death Eaters long before the things had turned in our favour, Ronald. And he saved others just like he saved Ginny at the risk of his own life.”
”And how many did he kill before then? Or do his victims prior to the battle not count? Does his killing Dumbledore not count?”
”I am not saying that, but don’t you think we should also look at the fact that he saved countless of lives?”
”He’s always going to be a murderer, Hermione. No matter what he did, he will always have the blood of his victims on his hands.”
”I give up, Ron, it’s hopeless trying to convince you that Professor Snape deserves a second chance, despite all that he’s done.”

The angry voices of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger trailed off as they moved away from where Severus Snape had been standing. He hadn’t really intended on listening in on their argument, he had just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. However he couldn’t help but feel a sense of elation at Hermione’s words, even if he did believe that Ronald was the one who was correct in his assessment. He knew that there would always be people who would continue to mistrust him, even after the Ministry had released him. And until that moment, he had believed that those who mistrusted him were correct in doing so. Now hearing Hermione’s defense of his character, Severus started to see himself in a new light. And he had hope that he could approach her, even though he still had precious little to offer her. All he needed was a plan so that he could approach her without losing face; after all he wasn’t some teenager on the verge of adulthood who would be able to bear the inevitable rejection.


harry potter, hermione granger/severus snape, five senses

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