Desire: Red Dragon - Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter

Mar 29, 2006 16:06

Title: George and the Dragon
Author: Evilremmy
Theme: Desire - The Five Stages of Sexual Response challenge
Words: 100
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Rating: Pg-13
Warning: Some bondage. Rawr.
Author's Notes: Only one more to go! >.>

Will looks beautiful handcuffed to the bed, his pale hair pooled around his head like the halo of a Christian saint depicted in some renaissance painting. Hannibal open his hand to let free a curtain of red and white rose petals, letting them fall on and around the naked and unconscious man on the ebony sheets. He is waiting for Graham to wake up, and gradually he does, though coherence is far away. Graham is a warrior of panic. When he sees Lecter, his fear is delectable. He fights his silver bindings as though he is George fighting the Dragon.

will graham/hannibal lecter, red dragon, five stages of sexual response

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