Buffy tVS, Spike/Xander/Anya

Mar 27, 2006 17:20

Eep. Let's see if I can post this before my ISP cuts out again.

Title: Midnight Interrogation
Author: amejisuto
Theme: #1-Attraction
Rating: PG
Pairing: Spike/Xander/Anya
Fandom: Buffy tVS
Word Count: 843
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: Anya quizzes Xander about his attraction to Spike.
Posted at: Written for stagesoflove and posted at my live journal and bloodclaim.
Beta'd by the wonderful kitty_poker1. Thanks so much darlin!
Notes: This word cound went a bit over, sorry. I just couldn't find anything to cut. This is a product of my own weird brain, hoping to do something a a bit different with my OTP. Enjoy!

Midnight Interrogation

“Xander? What would you say if I said I was attracted to Spike?”

Anya watched as Xander sputtered. He really was cute when shocked. It was one of the reasons she did it so often.

“Wha? Spike?! Did he put the moves on you?”

They were lying in bed after a round of sex to celebrate the fact that the world hadn't ended. The room was still messy from the earthquakes earlier in the day. Not that she could tell all that much of a difference. Anya made a mental note to teach Xander how to pick up after himself.

“No, Xander, he didn't put the moves on me. But you've been acting oddly ever since the Gentlemen came to town.”

“I thought he'd attacked you!”

Anya poked him in the side. “He's still got that awful chip in his head, Xander! He couldn't even if he wanted to. Not that he would; I may not have my powers still but I was a demon for over a thousand years. I've crushed demons twice his age under my heel.”

“Yeah, but you're human now.”

Anya frowned. “Are you saying I'm some fragile flower now, Xander? Because I've seen plenty of relationships break up when the man is condescending to the woman.”

“No! All I'm saying is that you can't forget you’re human now. Humans are usually soft and squishy.”

“Is that a comment about my backside?”

“What? NO! Anya....” Xander sputtered for a few moments as she watched in hidden amusement. “There's no way I can win this conversation, is there?”

She patted his arm. “No, there isn't. You might as well give up now.”

Xander groaned and tried to pull the covers up over his head. “Why do you always wait until we're about to go to sleep to ask me this kind of stuff?”

Anya paused a moment. It was a good question and she figured she'd make more headway with her reluctant boyfriend if she told the truth. “Well, for one thing, you're not really awake so a lot of your barriers are down. Well, that and it's one of the few times we're away from your friends.”

She knew that Xander's friends didn't really like her. Xander thought they were just teasing but she knew that they were really being snide. That was okay, though. Despite her human exterior, she was still a demon and she didn't really care. It was for Xander she worried because he always believed the best of his loved ones. She just hoped that he would never realize what was really happening.

“Okay, so in normal human society, it's frowned upon to sleep with someone that you're not in a relationship with, especially if you've got a boyfriend at the time.”

Anya reached under the blanket so she could slap him on his thigh. “Xander! I know that. Patron Saint of Scorned Women here, remember? Perhaps I'm not phrasing the question correctly. What I'm trying to ask is if you find Spike as attractive as I do. It's okay if you do, in fact that would be great. Then we can set about bringing him into our relationship. You have to keep an open mind, Xander. I mean, it's not as if group relationships never work. As long as we always talk and have good communication and respect for each other, we can make it work.”

“I can't believe it! What are you saying, that I'm not enough for you?”

“No, Xander! That's not it at all.” What Anya didn't say was that she knew she wasn't enough for Xander. Oh, he loved her, but she'd seen those few glances aimed at Spike. And, really, if her boyfriend was going to turn gay at least he had good taste. Spike was sexy and smart and challenged Xander to be more than just a tag-along. That was important since Xander's ego was a fragile thing.

It always struck her as odd. Insult Xander and he'd snark right back at you but ignore him and he'd be devastated. One of these days she was going to ask Halfrek to pay a visit to his parents. If anyone deserved her brand of justice, it was those two.

Anya took a deep breath and tried to explain. “I must admit Spike is very nice to look at. Between the cheekbones and eyes, his face alone would be enough to attract someone, not to mention his ass. Now, don't get in a huff; you have a nice ass too, you're just a bit more muscular while Spike is more lithe. You have different body types and the variety would be nice. The fact is, Xander, I could be attracted to Spike, given half the chance. My problem is that I know you already are.”

Xander started making protesting noises and Anya sighed. It would take some convincing to get Xander to admit what she already knew. As she reached under the covers, Anya thought she knew just how to grab his attention. Along with other things.

buffy the vampire slayer, spike/alexander harris/anya jenkins, five stages of love, attraction

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