Trouble in Paradise (01 jealousy) - F1 RPS, Michael Schumacher / Eddie Irvine

Mar 27, 2006 23:11

Title: I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
Author/Artist: tinini
Theme: 01 jealousy
Rating: PG
Beta by steelriver. Thank you sooooo much!
Author's Notes: Eddie’s POV

A new relationship is always fragile. Easy to harm and jeopardize. It takes time to build up trust and confidence and when the first rudiments are already shaken in the beginning, it’s hard to mend the bruises.

When I see the two of you together, which happens quite often lately, I feel my insides tense. I know I should have more confidence in you. We are not long time lovers but we’ve been companions, teammates and established some sort of twisted friendship since the very first day together at Ferrari. You know me inside out and I know you - or at least I thought I did.

Today, all I can see in you is a man who has more fun without me than if I was at your side. I can hear your laugh even from a distance as it is carried over to me on a breeze that feels cool on my heated face. It leaves me hot and sweaty as fast as you did this morning, claiming that a team meeting was waiting for you. Who do you think you’re fooling here? I know that Ferrari doesn’t hold team meetings on Thursday mornings before a race weekend. Jean isn’t even at the track by then.

It hurts that you seem to have forgotten our time together in the team, that it means so little to you that it slips from your mind as easily as my finger on the slick surface of the glass of water on the table in front of me.

Is it because Jenson is younger than me? Does it give you some kind of thrill I don’t understand?

The public is much mistaken if they think you’re a calm man and a steady personality. As soon as you got from me what you wanted, you got tired. Is that it? Can’t I satisfy your needs anymore after such a little time already?

I don’t want to give up on you but when I see Jenson touch your arm and you give him that smile I thought you only give to me, I flinch and my hands start to shake so that I have to set down the glass I was holding.

Jenson has been following you around ever since the start of the season. Like an obedient dog has he looked at you, clinging to your every word and you’ve been eager to teach him all you know. Maybe even more of the racing business than is visible for the untrained eye.

I’m at a loss for an explanation and even though it hurts, my eyes can’t leave the two of you alone while you continue to chat amicably. The amounts of touches you share with him make my stomach lurch. I’m not imagining this. I can see the affection in his eyes and you basking in it, absorbing his attention like a patch of dry earth does the rain.

I’m walking along the edge of a cliff and I wonder when it will be enough to make me jump.

formula 1 rps, michael schumacher/eddie irvine, trouble in paradise

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