[Bleach] [Byakuya/Renji] [sight]

Mar 28, 2006 01:18

Title: Tabula Rasa
Author/Artist: hemlocke
Theme: sight
Rating: G (for the moment)
Author's Note (if applicable): AU


An elegant eyebrow arced upwards and Byakuya surveyed the boy who had sat next to him with a calm, dispassionate eye. "And a good evening to you too." He placed his glass on the bartop and signalled to the bartender for another cocktail, turning away from the newcomer in an obvious gesture of dismissal.

"Bored?" The boy cupped his chin with one hand and drummed the tabletop with the other, keeping a steady gaze on the man next to him.

The corner of Byakuya's mouth twitched irritably. He hated the persistent types. "No."

The boy leaned in and Byakuya caught a glimpse of dark tattoos running down the slim line of the boy's throat. "I could give you a good time," he whispered huskily to Byakuya, pressing his chest close to the older man's shoulder.

"Somehow I doubt so," Byakuya replied drily and he returned to the task of finishing his cocktail, steadfastly refusing to encourage the boy's less than subtle overtures.

Evidently he had not been discouraging enough. Byakuya tensed imperceptibly as a hand slid up the length of his thigh, trailing a steady path to his groin. He gritted his teeth in annoyance and reached out to halt the errant limb in its tracks.

"That is quite e-" the words died on Byakuya's lips as he finally looked at the boy seriously for the first time that night. On closer inspection, the boy was younger than he appeared - the imposing height had been deceiving. He looked barely seventeen.

Upon realising Byakuya's scrutiny, the boy tried to jerk his hand away but Byakuya easily maintained an iron grip on the boy's wrist, feeling the quickening pulse beneath his fingertips. The boy tossed his head in a gesture both rebellious and challenging but the smooth facade crumbled slightly under Byakuya's relentless glare. Byakuya narrowed his eyes in suspicion. There was no mistaking that aura of fear. Clearly the boy wasn't as experienced as he claimed to be.

He released his hold and pondered his choices. It wasn't like him to seek such transient company and the kid wasn't even his type. He was too tall, too loud, too garish. Everything about him was designed to attract attention and of the wrong kind too - from the red hair to the flashy dressing and the tattoos. And of course, he was too young. Having said that, Byakuya found himself wondering idly just how many there were and just how far along that lithe body those tattoos tracked.

Well, perhaps he could find out. It had been a long time since he had any entertainment after all. The kid should very well know what he was getting into if he went around picking up older men in clubs. "All right then. Let's go."

The boy swallowed nervously as he realised that the older man was actually going to take him up on his offer. "Oh. OK."

"But I still don't know your name."

The boy rubbed his wrist in an uneasy manner, cursing the circumstances that had led him to this pass. "Renji. Abarai Renji."

kuchiki byakuya/abarai renji, bleach, five senses

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