Naruto; Sasuke/Kakashi; attraction

Mar 25, 2006 02:47

Title: The Visitor
Author: secondangel
Theme: Stages of Love #01 - attraction
Word Count: 497
Rating: G
Author's Note: I guess this could be considered shouta, though I like to assume Sasuke's older in my 'fic than he is in canon.

It was nearly dark and the crickets were already loudly calling from the edges of the forest. Their chorus of grating voices created an unending, monotonous hum -- a backdrop of noise, a counterpoint to the soft sounds of his breathing.

Soft blades of grass licked gently at his ears, pressing against his back as he layed prone against them. Uchiha Sasuke was exhausted and thoroughly coated with a thin layer of red-brown dust. His clothing smelled sharply of leaves and saltwater, which was no longer the pleasant scent it should've been. Naruto .. he was around somewhere, but if he was anywhere nearby Sasuke couldn't hear him.

He felt helpless, his chakra spent, and it was a sensation he loathed. He never wanted to feel helpless again, and yet there he was without an ounce of energy left. His kunai was buried deep in the wood of the tall tree that stretched above him, and the wound oozed sap like thick, coagulated blood. The tree was -- at this point -- scarred beyond repair, with horizontal slashes that climbed ever higher than the one before.


He was in the Wave Country.

There would be no familiar bed to crawl into tonight. No, he might as well sleep where he lay. The hard futons they were loaned afforded no comfort. Sasuke arched his back, wincing as his muscles protested with a dull stretching pain. He could feel the bones popping one by one, sending a feeling of cool release down his spine. It was a welcomed sensation, as the tightness in his back began to dissipate. So focused was he on his careful stretching that he failed to notice the quiet yet uneven gait that was weaving its way towards him. He was still a lowly genin, fresh out of the Academy. It was to be expected, even for him.

Hatake Kakashi, ever silent despite his current handicap, appeared with sudden grace. He was simply a shadow that slid into view all at once, smiling down at Sasuke with that one visible eye. He was hunched over on wooden crutches, and Sasuke stared blankly upwards for a few moments before climbing hastily to his feet. It was a motion that had his muscles complaining, and he was flustered and coloured a deep shade of red.

It was rather uncharacteristic emotion for him, but it was something he was -- at that point -- familiar with. It seemed as though he could no longer remain comfortably in the presence of his teacher. As Kakashi reached a gloved hand out and ruffled his hair Sasuke barely flinched. They'd been sharing mild contact as of late, from a hand that lingered too long on the other's shoulder to a barely noticable intentional brush of fingertips during training.

Regardless of the gesture, it made Sasuke's skin crawl. Not from disgust or repulsion, as his body informed him it was definitely not displeased. His cheeks continued to burn, and the dark-haired youth avoided that warm, caring gaze.

five stages of love, naruto, uchiha sasuke/hatake kakashi, attraction

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