Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Attraction

Mar 24, 2006 18:54

Title: Entirely Noticeable
Author: astarvingwriter
Theme: Stages of Love: Attraction
Rating: Any Age
Author's Note: I blame drago-mi-je for bringing me back to this pairing after so long.

Entirely Noticeable
Standard Disclaimer Applies

It is not possible or plausible. It is not acceptable.

This girl, this pitiful human girl, should not be noticed. She should not be seen.

But she is there, a sight, a colorful spot at the corner of his eye.

He wonders why he did not kill her before, in the beginning, before ever she’d caught his eye. Or perhaps she really has bewitched him for this long and he has been fool enough to only notice it now.

But he is no fool and does not suffer fools lightly, his acceptance of Jaken the only notable exception.

And so he searches in her for something that would have made her noticeable, something he can blame for his present interest. The fact that the sight, the colorful spot in the corner of his eyes has become his full focus is not lost on him.

He still finds nothing that would serve to make him see her, to make her visible. He still finds nothing in her he can claim to appreciate. She is noisy and he does not like noisy females. She is demanding, and he finds such a trait disturbs his peace.

She is not acceptable. His interest is not acceptable.

This girl, this pitiful human girl, should not be noticed. She should not be seen.

And yet he does see her. He sees her and he knows, just as he knew his father would die for his supposed love, that there is nothing he can do to deny his interest.

five stages of love, inuyasha, sesshomaru/kagome higurashi

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