Commitment: Red Dragon

Mar 08, 2006 01:43

Title: Knife Edge
Author: Evilremmy
Rating: PG
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Author's Notes: Aww. It's the last one! This one is very, very angsty as a point. I hope you like it, and please, please review!

They live on the edge of a blade. Sociopath murderer Hannibal Lecter has kept his place at the top of the FBI’s Most Wanted list, and Will Graham would be there too, if the FBI were aware of the extent of his collaboration. Instead he is merely a missing person, and therefore not even qualified for a piece of crumpled paper in the FBI’s trash can.

But soon enough, the FBI does know. Soon enough running is not enough. Even men as clever as Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter cannot hide forever, and one day they are seen and recognized as they browse over their wine in the bar of an opera house. They are run to ground - and with the FBI coming in, a real show of commitment is inevitable.

Hannibal Lecter knows that this time he will get the chair - or more likely its modern day “humane” equivalent; the lethal injection. The authorities cannot risk his escaping again. Will Graham might be treated better; he may be given a plastic cell with felt tip pens, and visitors comprising of psychiatry majors hoping to test their skill by prodding at his mind and seeking his innermost secrets, just as they had done to Lecter before him. Neither wants their death, he tells Will, but they want this possible future far less. At least if they die together, he suggests, they will have that last thing to share.

As they lie together in the bed where they have slept here in Sydney for some weeks, they stare deep into each other’s eyes, still humming in the afterglow of their very last session of lovemaking. Lecter is gentle with the silver filleting knife that looks almost a part of his hand. He brushes the sharp blade against his lover’s throat and kisses him chastely on his trembling lips; and when Will looks up one last time and says “Until death and ever after,” Lecter brings the knife edge down on their relationship and spills his lover’s deep red passion over his chest.

When Graham has breathed out the last of his life against his lips, Lecter rises from the bed and makes his way to the French windows, throwing them wide. Hannibal Lecter is not a coward - it was his strong and burning love that let him free Will - but he cannot kill himself. When the needle finally sinks into his arm he is far away, making love to Graham in his mind.

commitment, will graham/hannibal lecter, red dragon

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