DC Comics, Batman/Flash (Bruce Wayne/Wally West)

Mar 07, 2006 19:25

Title: Public Appearance
Author: amejisuto
Theme: #5- Commitment
Rating: PG
Pairing: Batman/Flash (Bruce Wayne/Wally West)
Fandom: DC Comics
Word Count: 758
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: Bruce offers to make their relationship public.
Posted at: Written for stagesoflove and posted at my live journal and batfic.
Beta'd by the lovely kitty_poker1.
Notes: In my head, this one of the back stories for my series Ordinary Heroes. Last week I was late but I did put it up on my live journal. You can find my intimacy ficlettes here. Sorry this ran over, but I didn't want to cut it short.

Public Appearance

Bruce took off his sunglasses and stepped into the police garage. He wasn't dressed as Bruce Wayne, playboy, today, or even Batman in disguise. He was simply being himself for once. It was...odd.

Still, it was nice when no one really looked at him. It probably helped that he was in Keystone instead of Gotham. Bruce Wayne was followed by paparazzi, especially since he hadn't gone to quite as many parties of late, even to keep his cover. Everyone was wanting to know why playboy millionaire Bruce Wayne had taken himself off the playing field.

The reason was underneath a police cruiser at the moment. Of course, no one really knew that. Their immediate family did, and a few friends, but most of the League had no idea that he and Wally were involved.

Bruce slowly walked through the garage and the other workers either gave him odd looks or ignored him; he had long ago learned that if you acted like you belonged in a place, not many people would challenge you. Part of him wanted to berate the other mechanics; he could have been trying to sabotage something. He pushed that thought away and concentrated on the pair of long legs sticking out from under the patrol car he was working on.


Bruce openly smirked at the sound of a tool falling onto the concrete as Wally jumped. From the sound of it, he'd hit his head, too. That had to have hurt.

Wally slid out from underneath the car and gave him a glare before looking around. “Bruce?”

Bruce's smirk got even wider. “Someone else is coming to take you to lunch, maybe?”


Bruce shrugged and tried not to openly laugh at the look on his lover's face. It would ruin his image. “I was in the neighborhood.”

Wally seemed to be gaining his powers of speech back. “Do I even want to know how you consider New Jersey to be in the neighborhood of Kansas? And since when have you stopped being paranoid about being seen together?”

The last was spoken in a hushed whisper as Wally stood up and used a rag to wipe the grease off his hands. Bruce shrugged. “I remembered the other day that we have a plausible reason for meeting at that car show in Gotham. You like cars, I like cars, we met there.”

“Alfred reminded you, didn't he?”

Bruce raised his eyebrow but ignored the question. “So, do you have time for lunch?”

Ten minutes later they were walking down the street, shoulders brushing. Bruce had found it hard to ignore the catcalling of Wally's co-workers but, as usual, Wally had defused the situation with his trademark humor.

“So, where are we going?”

“I'm staying at the Ritz for the next few days and figured we could have lunch there. “

“Bruce, it would take me two weeks’ pay to be able to eat at that place. Not only do they have lobster but they'll take it out of the shell. That's way out of my league. Besides, people will see us...”

“That's the idea. And I asked you to lunch, remember? You're my date.”

Wally stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "Wait...okay, let me get this straight....you'rehereasyouImeaneveryoneknowsyou'reTHEBruceWayneandyoushowedupatmyworkanddidn'thidethatwekneweachotherandnowyouaretakingmetolunchwhereanyonecanseeusandit'llbeinthepaperinthemorningandeveryonewillknowthatwe'retogetherIsthatokaywithyouImeanyou'retheparanoidonenotthatIblameyoubut...people will think we're together."

Bruce took a moment to translate the rapid speech pattern that Wally would use when nervous or excited. “Yes, people will think that we are dating. That's the idea.”


There was a moment of uneasiness. They were standing in the middle of the sidewalk, people flowing around them as Wally looked at Bruce. Bruce tried to let go of his mask and actually show what he was feeling and thinking. It must have worked because Wally smiled.

“Oh! That's...wow, that's great!” Bruce could feel Wally start to vibrate, just a little.

Bruce smiled and brushed his hand against his lover's. “Come on, I've got a car around the corner. We can have lunch -- I'm told the Ritz has excellent desserts-- and then see where things go from there.”

“Sounds great!” They started walking down the sidewalk again, this time just a bit closer. “Man, if I had realized I would have just told the boss I was taking the afternoon off.”

Bruce smiled. “I'm sure if we hurry there will be time for other things beside lunch.” This had been a good idea; he was glad Alfred had suggested it.

Not that he would admit it, to Wally or Alfred.

dc comics, commitment, bruce wayne/wally west

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