DC Comics, Roy Harper/Dick Grayson

Mar 06, 2006 05:22

Title: forgotten feathers
Author: trixie
Theme: commitment
Rating: pg-13ish
notes: i swear, my word is lying to me, but who cares, it's pretending this in under the limit... ^_~




Two Face and Joker forgot to check schedules before starting mayhem. Robin and Batgirl had Two Face, but just in the middle of putting the smackdown on the Joker, Killer Fucking Croc comes bumbling in.

Visiting Gotham sure is fun. They should put this in the ad campaign - Come to Gotham and Be Threatened by More Supervillains per Hour than Any Other City In the US!

Well, I'd have to check Metropolis' stats, but that's the idea.

Luck would have it, though, Croc KO's the Joker, so Bats goes after Croc, and Dick and I are left as cleanup for the Joker's crew. I'm just about to crack wise, when gas bombs go off. Dick tackles me, and shoves a gas mask over my face.

Nothing like being saved by the man you love…

The Joker's henchwench grabs the Zingh diamond and heads for the rafters while the grunts grab the clown and toss him in their Winnebago of Deathly Comedy. I wish I could make this stuff up. Dick shoves something into the palm of my hand. "The flat button on the side deactivates the security system. Go on, Arsenal! They're getting away!"

And he's off flying. And I have the key to the Batmobile.

The key to the fucking Batmobile.

I feel a bit weird, like. I didn't remember the wedding or the honeymoon, and suddenly, the stork was on the way… It was all happening so fast.

Kinda like the thugs and their damned Winnebago. Fuck.

So, the Batmobile is a pretty sweet ride. If by 'sweet,' you mean, the only way to keep from screaming in terror like a little girl is the fact that you're weaving so much on the street that the damned Winnebago is getting away. But, I'm not incompetent. Even when I'm silently screaming like a little girl. Hell, it's a damned fun ride, once the adrenaline pumps in; terror can be great.

The thugs are no problem. I speed ahead of them, and drive the Winnebago into a bridge support. Pop out, get off three quick arrows… circle around…

The clown is still out, but he's not dead. Once I've cleared out the riffraff, I hit him with a tranq, too. Always be prepared, just like the friggin' boy scouts say.

"He gave you the key to the car."

I spin around, but. Oh, he's up there. I frown. "He did, yeah."

Bats drops down from the lamppost silently. "I see."

"I, er, will be returning it…"

He looks past me. "I've got it from here." He starts to brush past me. "Take care of him."

Well, fuck. I can live without the wedding, but I'm definitely petitioning for a second honeymoon. Like hell I want to miss that…



annnnnd, with this one, i'm done with all my fics. many many manymnaymany deep, heartfely thanks to our lovely and talented mod, for making everything run so smoothly and for hosting a fun challenge. ^____^

dc comics, commitment, roy harper/dick grayson

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