Pros: Bodie/Doyle, Life/Living

Mar 01, 2006 00:04

Title: Life/Living
Author: P.R. Zed
Theme #5: Commitment
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200


With an instinct earned in too many battles, Bodie pushed Doyle down seconds before a volley of bullets splintered the crate behind them.

"Thanks," Doyle said when the fight was over.

"Don't mention it," Bodie responded. "You watch my back; I watch yours." Then he slung an arm around Doyle.

You watch my back; I watch yours. The words didn't sound like much, but they were the most solemn vow Bodie'd ever made. Stronger than his oath to protect Queen and Country. More important even than his loyalty to George Cowley himself.

Doyle was his life. All else was chaff.


I nearly died today. The thought tumbled through Doyle's mind as he dragged Bodie into his bedroom. Was nearly cold, dead meat on an autopsy table. He shuddered and lost himself in Bodie's embrace.

Bodie gave me my life today. He gasped as Bodie nipped at his throat. He means everything to me. He combed his fingers through Bodie's hair.

With my body, I thee worship.

Bodie suddenly stopped his exploration of Doyle's body, a puzzled expression on his face.

"What's that look for?" Bodie asked.

"Let me show you," Doyle said. And then he began to do exactly that.

william bodie/ray doyle, commitment, the professionals

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