The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Mina Harker/Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde

Feb 21, 2006 22:35

Title: Facing the Truth
Author/Artist: Ariyana
Theme: Stage 4 Intimacy
Rating: [15+] Mature Audiences
Word Count: 499
Author's Notes: I went with movie verse but some of the characterizations will be a blend of the comic and movie. My apologies if the characters seem a little OOC. I've tried my best to stay true to them.

Quietly they laid together, neither saying a word. He is surprised at how warm she feels pressed against him. All the stories and lore said vampires were cold to the touch. He notes that her flesh is indeed pale but she is also very soft and pliable underneath his touch. Despite the rigorous love making that had just taken place she has yet to break a sweat, while his body glistens in it. He figures that is one of the signs of her vampirism.

"Instead of lying there like some kind of sloth, ravish the woman again you stupid git!" Edward reprimands.

Henry wishes that Edward would just be quiet and allow him to enjoy this instance. The day he saw her and Dorian together he figured that he would never have a chance like this with her. He still has his doubts but he is thankful for this moment of bliss and hopes that it won't end too soon.

Mindlessly she traces the outlines of his stomach muscles with her forefinger. She likes the feeling of his arm wrapped around her. It makes her feel safe and protected. Henry's lovemaking is not that surprising he is both attentive and demanding. She finds that she rather likes the mix, it suits his nature. Slowly she moves her hand up his chest all the way to his neck. Her finger gently traces the small bruise and puncture marks at the base of his neck where it meets the shoulder. The taste of his blood still lingers on her tongue.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to bite you," she apologizes.

He grabs her hand and pulls it back from the still tender wound. "Don't worry, I'm fine," he replies. "Besides I rather liked it," he admits, slightly blushing.

"Well I would never imagine you admitting that," she says in amusement.

"After what we just did. I can't very well be shy with you anymore, can I?"

She merely sniggers in response. She moves her hand down his chest; her finger draws circles around his navel. He intakes a sharp breath. She feels him shudder under her touch.

"Mina, you definitely bring out the worst in me."

"Is that good or bad?"

He grabs her hand to stop the distracting feather touches. "Edward and I are always in a battle of the wills. Even before I created that confounded elixir I could feel an animal within. As I've grown closer to you I can see how much of me really is Edward. It's hard to admit that part of me has always been a monster I was just too stubborn to accept it."

"It's about time you stop lying."

"Now that you've owned up to it. Maybe you and Edward can reach middle ground. Neither one of you are complete without the other. Perhaps one day you two can become one complete person. Either way I'll be here."

He kisses her urgently and she willing opens up to him again.

Title: Speaking the Truth
Author/Artist: Ariyana
Theme: Stage 4 Intimacy
Rating: [13+] Some Caution
Word Count: 480
Author's Notes: I went with movie verse but some of the characterizations will be a blend of the comic and movie. My apologies if the characters seem a little OOC. I've tried my best to stay true to them. This is the companion to 'Facing the Truth'.

Henry stood in front of the mirror buttoning his shirt. Momentarily he stopped to examine the small bite marks on his neck. The area was slightly sore to the touch but overall it looked to be healing fairly quickly.

"Worried? You wouldn't want us to be vampires as well, would you?" Edward questioned.

"We're not going to turn into vampires!"

"I'm so sorry for that" she apologized again, walking up behind him. She lightly leaned her cheek against his shoulder. "I know you won't turn into a vampire but I feel guilty about it."

"I'm curious, how does one become a vampire anyway?" he asked, fastening his collar.

"Well there has to be an exchange of blood a couple of times at least. Dracula feed off of me a few times before he forced me to drink his blood. I hadn't even realized that he feed on me the first couple of times," she explained. "I don't think I could ever force this kind of existence on another. It's just too cruel."

She tightly gripped the side of his shirt. Just remembering the past hurt. She had had so many nightmares about the night the Count revealed his true colors to her. She had never spoken the truth to anyone; she didn't even dare to confide in her diary. She wondered if she should tell Henry the truth as she felt him turn and embrace her.

"Henry, I need to tell you something."

He noted the seriousness of her tone and only nodded in response. Silently he listened as she confessed to him about her encounters with the Count before she knew he was a vampire. He could see the pain in her eyes as she retold the tale to him. Including the details that she had been too afraid to admit to anyone. After she had finished her story, he found that she couldn't make eye contact with him. She had bared her soul to him, so he felt that it was only fair to do the same.

"Well there's something I need to tell you too."

She looked up slightly surprised but intently listened to him. It was his turn to tell her of the things that he had done and all the terrible things he had allowed Edward to do. The atrocities that Edward committed were many and Henry felt much pain and conflict over them. If he hadn't been a coward he probably would have taken his own life. It would be the fitting thing to do or so he thought until he saw the pained expression her face.

"Neither one of us can atone for our past if we are dead," she said, gently.

"I know, that's why I'm still here."

"I won't hold your past against you, if you don't hold my past against me."

"You have a deal," he replied, before kissing her.

mina harker/dr. henry jekyll/edward hyde, the league of extraordinary gentlemen, intimacy

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