DC Comics, Roy Harper/Dick Grayson

Feb 21, 2006 22:50

Title: forgotten feathers
Author: trixie
Theme: passion
Rating: R
notes: ah, i puzzled over continuity for this, because current comics continuity is such a muddle, and the animated series lacks roy (well, and dick, too, a lot of the time…) this will be my own continuity, then, leaning mainly on the animated series, but borrowing what i need from comics. ^_~




Dick groaned. That groan was fuckin' hot. Roy shoved his hips up harder, practically slamming Dick into the wall.

"Harper," Dick hissed. "Fuck! I'm not going to have any back left!"

"Robbie," Roy grinned. "You're wearing kevlar. Stop whining. And I thought real names were a no-no."

Dick growled. Actually fucking growled, and that sound sent shocks of pleasure through Roy's veins. He pounded into Dick harder, pushing him against the bricks. Pushing into him. Burning into him, like he might explode.

Like he will.

He grabbed Dick's cock, stroking hard, using his thumb on the tip. No fucking way was he coming alone. He watched Dick's face, felt his body…

They clung to each other, panting. His palm was still covered by Dick's semen. He breathed in Dick's sweat.

There was a large crash at the other end of the alley. A guy in a green and purple leotard landed on a dumpster. Dick pushed off of him, and pulled up his pants quickly. He tossed out two 'rangs, and leaped after him. Quickly, Roy pulled his own pants up. A dark shadow dropped, nearly silently, behind Dick, but Nightwing already had the perp tied up.

"You're welcome," Dick said tersely.

Batman looked from Nightwing to Arsenal. "I've got it."

"I'm sure," Nightwing rolled his eyes, and brushed past Batman.

Roy took a deep breath and smiled. Batman just narrowed his eyes. "Er. Keep up the good work."

"Don't bother," Dick hissed under his breath.

Roy followed Dick closely. "You know it's love when I'm willing to deal with that as an in-law."

"Shut up, Harper," but Roy was pretty sure that Dick was smiling. Not so that he could see, but…

Yeah, he was smiling.


dc comics, roy harper/dick grayson, passion

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