Stage 2: Romance: Fanart: Firefly (Mal/Inara)

Feb 15, 2006 00:41

Artist: cassiee
Title: Romance: Who said romance was dead?
Characters: Mal/Inara
Fandom: Firefly
Media used: Photoshop
Prompt: Romance
Notes/comments: Well, I never did think this pairing had a real romance(denial ain't just a river for these two) going, just major UST, but I took some artistic license. The bar scene in Shindig always reminded me of a casual date, imagery wise. Manipulation took forever. And of course, Inara wins, Mal is a sore loser.

Mo Hotlinking, please! Thank you for the lovely comments on my Attraction piece.

art, romance, firefly, malcolm 'mal' reynolds/inara serra

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