"A Little Romance" Smallville, Clark/Lex PG

Feb 14, 2006 23:02

Title: A Little Romance
Author: HYPERFocused
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: PG
Theme “Romance”
Wordcount: 500

“So where would you take someone if you wanted to be romantic, but didn’t have a lot of money?” Clark asked Lex one February afternoon. It was cold outside, but they were in his space in the barn, and the heaters and oil lamps were doing a decent job of keeping the place pleasantly warm. The blankets helped too, but best of all was Clark’s own body heat, which warmed the space better than any artificial means.

“Well, I would never be in such circumstances,” Lex said, amused.

“I don’t believe that. I know you’re more romantic than you like to let on.”

“I meant, Clark, that I can’t imagine not having a lot of money.” He was definitely a romantic, especially where virginal farm boys with perfect cocksucker lips were concerned. It was too bad the one he loved was busy asking for advice on how to woo the girl of his dreams. He was far too good for her.

“Ass.” Clark threw a pillow at him, but without much force. It was old and smelled like barn. ”You know what I meant.”

“Yes, Clark. What I would do is take this mystery person somewhere meaningful to you. Show them why it’s important.” Of course Lana wouldn’t care unless it revolved around her, but knowing Clark, it probably would.

Clark looked up at Lex and smiled, making the space even brighter. “I think I could do that.”

“That’s good. You know, the best way to show someone you really care about them is to share your real self. People don’t like it when you hide behind a façade.’

“I know what you mean.” He looked down at his hands, and Lex thought this might be it, the big confession. “I wish…”

‘What do you wish, Clark?” Lex moved a little closer, the better to reassure his friend.

“I wish I didn’t have to hide. I wish I could just be who I am.” Really, that could have meant anything. It was a common thought among teenagers of all stripes.

“You don’t have to hide. Anyone who doesn’t accept you as you truly are doesn’t deserve to be with you. Anyway, I bet Lana likes you just fine.”

“This isn’t about Lana. She’s got Whitney, and anyway, I’m not sure I like her like that anymore. I’m not sure I ever did.” Chloe, then.

“Then it must be Chloe. That’s good.”

“Chloe’s a friend. It’s not her.”

“There’s an expression ‘Love is friendship caught on fire.’ It’s a little cheesy, but not without merit.”

“I’m hoping that’s true - about friendship, -- but it isn’t Chloe.” Clark turned to Lex. “My dad named this my Fortress of Solitude. He fixed it up for me when I was a kid. It’s my favorite place to go just to be myself.”

“I’m honored you’re sharing it with me.”

“Do you understand what I’m telling you, Lex?”

Lex took Clark hands.” For me, it’s a certain bridge,” he said. Then he kissed him.


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