Replacement - [Meine Liebe : Eduard x Erika : #2 Romance]

Feb 14, 2006 00:22

Title: Replacement
Author: youkomitsutama
Theme: #2 Romance
Rating: K+ for Incest
Author's Notes: This isn't the exact event from any of the Meine Liebe media, but will be a combination of each. If you need a definite media, then I'll say anime with game and manga elements, since I haven't actually played Ed's ending in the game. So yes, consider this a bonifide AU of the anime. This time it's Ed's POV...though I'm probably screwing him up royally X_x;

I wasn't lying when I told Elaine that I had enjoyed playing her brother. For during those moments, I could temporary forget something that plagued my heart...

When I first saw Elaine, she had given me hope…as for often times when I’m with the girl from the music room; I would feel as though I’ve known her all my life.

I had suspicion that she was who I've been looking for…

But that would mean the end of any possible romance between us.

Elaine's appearance changed that possibility, but even if I wanted to make myself believe this Elaine was her; she just wasn't.

No one could replace Erika's place in my mind.

But was I about to taint her with my own selfish wishes?

romance, meine liebe, eduard/erika

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