#1 (attraction), Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale

Feb 07, 2006 21:55

kings of convenience
an airlia_vega production
for the attraction theme (#1)
266 words

Aziraphale likes watching. He’s been around long enough to probably qualify for a certificate1, and he would get one, except they’re only available at one community college in Sri Lanka, by correspondence course, and correspondence courses are clearly the work of Down There, meaning there’d be Hell to pay, so to speak, if he were caught.

Anyway, there are several things he watches the most often:
- people drinking tea
- lights coming on at night
- Crowley drinking tea
- Crowley making lights blink on and off at night so he can spell out dirty things in morse code
- Crowley in general

The last three are, of course, entirely unavoidable and perfectly natural.



There are all sorts of explanations, starting with the fact that one can’t be around someone for six thousand years and not look at them, even if one is an angelic being and the someone is a, well, you know. Also, Crowley is 85% more interesting than 93%2 of people, who never do anything new, whereas Crowley’s entire job is to invent new and exciting ways to - well, to lure people into Temptation and Sin and Evil and So Forth and So On, but that’s really not the point! The point is, it’s really a matter of convenience.

1. Aziraphale likes certificates, because they’re very formal, and so evoke a certain nostalgia for Up There, where the formalites make a U.N. meeting look like kindergarten.

2. However, 65% of statistics are false, so there’s really no telling if any of this is accurate.

crowley/aziraphale, good omens, attraction

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