Battlestar Galactica - Lee/Kara

Feb 07, 2006 23:53

Title: Pray It All Away
Theme: Attraction
Rating: G

His brother choosing a military bar brimming with loud, cocky cadets in various stages of loud, cocky drunkenness in which to meet is unsurprising, though Lee selfishly wishes that Zak had not. Jocelyn, blue-eyed and dark-haired, is digging her fingernails into Lee's arm uncomfortably, her lips pursed in displeasure the same way that they have been since Zak's impromptu phonecall started this excursion.

This isn't her sort of place, and that's understandable. The only civvies who make their way in are generally the ones with a weakness for uniforms, which Jocelyn has not. It's something Lee likes about her. Liked. Their relationship is chafing and it's becoming harder to remember liking her at all.

Despite the similar dress of the people present he spots his brother almost immediately at a back table. Zak rises from his seat to embrace Lee and Lee stamps down the reservations and old issues and everything that isn't his little brother in front of him and smiling. Lee introduces Jocelyn and is pleased at how well he keeps the apology out of his voice. Zak seems distracted though, and before Lee can ask why, Zak blurts out the answer.

"Here she is," he says, gesticulating a bit wildly, and Lee turns to see a blonde approaching the table with extra glasses and a pitcher. Her lips are flushed red, her short hair is in disarray, and Lee feels like he knows her.

"You two are..." Lee asks, letting the question trail off and Zak nods enthusiastically.

"This is Kara-"

"Thrace?" Lee finishes, and she looks at him, grins.

"Nice to see the mighty Lee Adama remembers me," she says as she sits, slides the glasses towards him and Jocelyn.

"Well, considering that your sim records had the rare distinction of being better than mine, it's not too surprising."

Zak is still all smiles. "Kara, you never told me you two knew each other."

"Knew of," she corrects. "Sad to say I never did have the chance to kick your brother's ass."

"Your scores weren't that much better," Lee responds.

She lets out delighted cackle and holds her hand out to Lee. "We'll have to test that theory out some time."

Lee nods, clasps her hand firmly, and it's warm in his. There's some sort of contest being met in their eyes and Jocelyn sniffs conspicuously beside him after a few moments and Lee realizes that he and Kara haven't let go yet. When he looks at Jocelyn her lips are pursed again. Zak is engrossed in finishing off his glass.

The question of how serious his brother and Kara are rises unbidden in his mind before he can stop it.

Lee entwines his fingers with Jocelyn's, kisses her lightly on the corner of her mouth, whispers a promise that they'll go soon, makes love to her twice that night, stays with her for another three weeks after he's far away from his brother and his brother's girl.

The thought still lingers.

lee adama/kara thrace, battlestar galactica 2004, attraction

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