Title: Opposites Attract
mirasolFandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Theme: #1 - Attraction
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, and I make no money from this.
Notes: Set immediately after “Beneath You”
Word count: 200 words
No way.
Nothing doing.
Seriously, what could ever make Xander Harris admit that he thought differently about Spike now--
--and admit? Such the wrong word to be using because that opened up a whole bag of trouble in letting the thoughts Xander was having be right.
See? Wrong.
Not just wrong as in love-spell, clothes-fluke wrong. Wrong as in lusting after a best friend’s psychotic, actual certifiably evil ex.
So many shades of wrong that Xander could paint a wrong-hued rainbow.
Spike and him? They had nothing in common, except the as standard manly bits - and how freaksome was that?
Even freakier after Spike glanced at him in the Bronze when Nancy did her big inquisition into their sexual habits.
That look had said “you’ve thought about it”.
Which Xander had - but he’d believed it was locked away in his own head.
Had Xander imagined that the look also said “I’ve thought about it too”?
Because being a demon magnet? Meant that opposites attracting led to almost certain - yet somehow so far avoided - death or major concussions and right now Xander just wanted a normal life and a couple of quiet months.
The chance of that on the Hellmouth?