Dexter Debra Morgan/Rudy Cooper 2 Acceptance

Jul 04, 2008 15:26

Title: Acceptance

Author:  SpazzyJazzy81

Theme/Prompt : Stages of Grief - Acceptance

Rating: PG

Weeks had gone by since she learned he had died. At first the news was incredible, something she couldn’t believe; he couldn’t really be dead, then she was angry; how dare he die, she then moved on to being depressed; he was gone forever. Now, after going through an emotional rollercoaster she accepted that he had died.

And she accepted how she felt about him.  How she had felt about him. He was gone now. Her feelings would never come to anything. It wasn’t even like she could tell anyone. She could just mourn her loss alone. And that was enough for her.

stages of grief: acceptance

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