The Dark Is Rising, Will Stanton/Bran Davies: five stages of grief, acceptance

Jul 03, 2008 22:50

Title: Awakening
Author: shanaqui/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Acceptance
Rating: G

The dream is relentless. It lasts forever, and no time at all, and in his bed Bran tosses and turns, gripping the sheets. He knows again that Owen Davies is not his father, he knows again of the harp, the quests, the afanc, of everything about Will that he forgot. He lives it again, becomes it again.

And he wakes.

Will is not there. If he has his way, he never will be again. Bran takes a deep breath.

"You could have told me, boyo," he says, to the empty space. "I'd have believed you. I'd have come with you."

the dark is rising

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