Nov 20, 2005 08:00
wow, this year has flown by! i remember at school in NYC at the begening of this year we made our new years resolutions out loud... im still workin on mine... and unfortunately my resolution to make NYC work for me will probably end up being a 2008 new years resolution.... too bad. but this isnt a pitty party post... i was writing to tell how wonderful a time this is and how much i love the fall! i almost thought we wouldnt get one this year and considering the last week of october it went from being in the 70's to being in the 40's, we almost didnt! but the leaves are changing, its crisp and cool outside, still sun shiney, beautiful. i remember saying as well that 2005 would have to be better than god forsaken 2004... i was wrong in alot of ways, but i also have had some amazing experiences this year... and through all the bad times... a few really good ones stick out...
my first snow in ny.
falling in love.
making TONS of new friends.
spending more time with old ones.
living with friends.
my first summerstock.
playing brad in rocky, and becoming the hottest lil thing in atlanta theater! lol
Las Vegas and my little star rita.
i know its a little early, but these are all things i am thankful for... and all year long i have been racapping the HORRIBLE things that have happened this year... and granted a few of those happy things up there did not end so beautifully, but i learned and have grown... but there have been alot of amazing things too, and i dwell to much on the bad...
thanks to all of you who have touched my life this year. and thanks to those to come!