How the Techie almost died

Feb 15, 2006 15:59

Well here it goes---

I almost died on Valentines Day…. How awful would that have been, to die and never have been loved… or loved anyone….

Well this is how it goes… I was going to school early for the flower sale that I was running. But first I was going to pull costumes for Mr. Avery. Well the lock was broken--- which I didn’t know till after the fact…. So I pulled all the costumes and I went to leave to put them in my car-that’s when I found out the lock was broken. I couldn’t open it from the inside… so I was locked inside this extremely cold building. So I pull out my cell phone-call Ms. Poppke. She isn’t at school-she was like call anyone who might be around to see if they can help you….so I call everyone…also trying to have them start the flower sale without me…. Well about18 minutes later Ms. Poppke comes running and saves me….

So lets look at worse case scenario-1. If I didn’t have my cell phone…. No calls to save me….2. Freezing cold building/ Windows frozen shut…..3. The idiots in the trades constructions would never have thought that the banging was normal… “its just a rat” I think is what they would have thought 4. The doors is one of them you cant take the hinges off of.

So no one would have noticed that I was missing probably until 8:30 at night. 13 hours after I had been locked in the building. I would have been in hypothermia and might have died…. I don’t know how long it takes before you would die. I mean if I didn’t show up for the flower sale… people would have been like okay-bad president… called my cell left a message… was going to the box office-but Doreen said she would have thought that something just came up.. … work would have thought it was one of the those scheduling problems again…. So they would have called home or cell… and left a message because my parents weren’t home. So my parents didn’t know I was going to pick costumes up…. So they would have seen my car in the school parking lot and thought that I got abducted or something like that. Who would have thought to even look in the costume room….so it could have been till the next day that someone realized I was up there-which would have been Ms. Poppke would have been like I gave her the key yesterday.

Well I am alive…. I now laugh….but it was scary….if I hadn’t had my cell phone…. I could be listening from heaven to Colin’s New Musical--- How the Techie Died….. and if I ever die because of theatre….please someone write a musical….because if I die theatre related it is a funny story to tell--- don’t morn -be happy!!!!

Well that was my Valentine’s Day---- No love, but the love of life

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