We are the Champions, My Friend

Jun 11, 2006 18:31

I feel so good right now.  I am extremely exhausted, physically, but mentally I'm in a great place.  I forgot my meds at home this weekend.  Or maybe I lost them, cuz I can't seem to find them anywhere.  But even after not having them since Friday morning, I feel great!  This weekend was amazing.  I learned a lot about myself, I was the person I've often wanted to be, but never felt strong enough to be.  I learned the difference between not caring and being care-free.  Not caring, is having no energy, not wanting to do anything, and feeling torn in many directions but only going thru the motions out of obligation.  Being care-free is not having to worry about life.  Having no stress.  Not caring what other people may think of me, and only doing what I want to do.

I'll admit.  Friday was tough.  It took me a while to gather my bearings.  New people, new place, lots to do.  And we had a very high stress situation on our hands for a while.  But come Saturday everything was good.  The athletes started competing.  Marsha was there.  The stress was gone.

We had a dance Saturday night, and I felt good.  I was dancing and singing, and not caring what anyone else thought.  I was talking to people I didn't know.  Congratulating them on their medals.  Complementing their clothes.

And I was definitely out of sorts for a while.  I'm not a mom, and have never been very maternal, but you learn.  I brushed a girl's hair.  Helped her get dressed.  Though I had trouble helping her bathe (Marsha had to do that).  But I'm learning.

I made a lot of friends this weekend.  Athletes, parents, coaches.  It was like one big family.  Everyone looking out for everyone else.
I've often thought of the people I work with at school as my "war buddies."  None of us knew each other when we started working together, so we were just thrown together to reach a common goal: Make it thtough the day and help these kids.  I've got a bond with the athletes, coaches, parents, etc. associated with the Plainfield/Quinebaug Vally Special Olympics Team that I can't explain to anyone on the outside.  But everyone who was there knows exactly what I mean.

I hope to get further involved with this team, and go back next year.
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