Mar 01, 2009 09:11
And it makes me want plastic surgery really badly. I used to think I'd never change anything about my face.. but I'm thinking that I want some lipo in my cheeks to make my cheekbones more prominent, and maybe a nose reshaping to take the bump out of the bottom on it... it looks too fleshy now that I look at it. If they would throw in an eye-lift I wouldn't mind either.
I also, of course, want lipo on pretty much my entire bottom half... saddle bags, love handles, inner thighs, inside of knees, the little pocket of fat below my navel. I don't think I need breast implants, though... that's the one thing I'm happy with, I guess. Actually. I'm really quite satisfied with my entire upper body... so that's good.
If I had limitless funds, I would be able to look incredible.
I have been having a mini-body crisis in the last week. I haven't had time to go to the gym in a long time. Like 2 weeks. I feel like I've put on 10 lbs in the last couple... I think it's mostly the stress... it eats through my muscles and adds fat in all the wrong places. My face is also a nightmare... I'm so stressed I'm breaking out everywhere... it's humiliating. I'm 22 years old and I can't keep my face clear. It's not like I'm not clean... Dr. Campbell says it's likely all the soy I eat. It's so full of hormones that I'm forcing myself through puberty in a way. The problems are this, though... I'm sensitive to milk products and I hate eating meat... so soy is pretty much my only protein... additionally, my hormones are so screwed up now from the stress and my pre-chronic fatigue issues that the soy helps my moods... just not my face... I'm getting a facial soon... hopefully that will help a little. Swati and I are going together. it's nice.
what a nightmare. how can i be a doctor with all these issues? everyone says that becoming a doctor makes you the sickest you've been in your whole life. I guess it's true.
I guess I'm just a litte disappointed in how things have turned out....