Sep 30, 2005 07:53
K so yesterday in scene studies all of us music theater majors were dicussing what surprises us in Art. It was pretty interesting. Kathryn brought up a magnificent point that I think I should share cause its the way I'm feeling right now. She said "I'm surprised when I see or hear a non-music or non-drama or non-fine arts major say 'oh well its just art, you're have it easy. Isn't it fun doing what you love?" WOW!!!!! right then and there we all burst out into a furious ranting rage...DOES EVERYBODY THINK ITS EASY???? it sounds easy from the outside looking in. But let me tell you, I did not prepare myself well enough for the difficulty of it. Sure all the academic courses like music theory and musicianship and and music history are tough and give out TONS of homework (way more than you'd expect)....but then on top of that there is MAD PRACTICING TO BE DONE!! there are so many pieces of music being thrown at us everyweek that we have to have MEMORIZED by a few days later. And then, theres the whole emotional thing...when we don't please ourselves...its brutal....when we don'e please our can get harsh....We are all so passionate about what we do and have such utter love invested in it, that when there is dissappointment, it hurts and can really take its toll. Its damn hard work! After a scene studies class I have never seen so many drained and downed people. Moral of the rant session....if you're doing what you love....its harder..NOT FUNNER!