Random Pics!!
These are pics from the end of the year (smu website) that I think are nice and also Kaslo pics
So to begin with...
Symons house final picnic....saying goodbye to Ms. Parker, Dr. & Mrs. Forbes, and the Grade 12s. It was a very tearful event. I cried more there than anyother grad-related thing.
My Grade 12 Symons Sisters...you don't understand
Every graduating grade 12 girl gets a speech read about them and a present from a grade 11 who chooses them. It turns out that I got one too from Ariel!!! Her speech was so funny. It was the nicest surprise ever. I cried so much....as you can see in this pic.
Anyways, these next few are priceless
Here I am gettin goin on my portion of the Valedictorian Address...kinda nervous but hoping everything is going ok....
Clearly....everyone is enthralled
especially Natalia...
At least Danny thinks I'm funny
Anyways.....These next pics are from Kaslo...and believe me....these aren't even a fraction of the number I took but these'll just give you a taste.
The trip is a 12 hour drive and very hot usually. Its always fun though
weary travellers...basil is the best traveller
Thats my 14 year old cousin Kelly on the left, Aunt Patti (my dads sis) me mother and me sister in "downtown" Kaslo
Isn't it quaint??
I love Kaslo...not only cause the Humphries name is like gold there (the school is JV Humphries School name after my Grampa and the law offices are Humphries Law because my uncle is the only lawyer in town!), but just cause its so beautiful and reminds me of being a kid again.
This is the family house where my dad grew up in and now my cousins live there
kinda amity-ville
Kathryn and Johnny headin back to the house for dinner
We spend a great deal of time jumping on this poor rubber tube!
Apperently...attractiveness runs in the Humphries blood
Like I said...we do alot of tube jumping. Can you spot the seal-woman?
Anyways...just thought I'd post some random pics...I'll leave you with this one. I haven't seen many of you for a while...and you're probably forgetting how beautiful I am...so here y'are...by request of Justin Gill
you're welcome