Don't pretend you're sorry, I know you're not

Jan 31, 2006 17:26

So it's 5:30 and I've been home doing hw for roughly an hour. Today is Tuesday, which leaves tomorrow and thursday in between me and my biggest nightmare. My interview is on Friday and needless to say I'm a little more then tweaked - so if I have been a bitch to you at all in the passed few days, that's why!

In between typing up my notes for today's installment of Death of a Salesman I decided to look at my friends' entries because I haven't in a while. My best friend Sarah is in creative writing this semester and has this list of the things that make her happy. In light of my current stressed and wound up and tweaked and anixious and scared new mood, I have decided to compile a list of my own.

~Things that make me happy~

talking to Sarah
the color red
the color black
Judas Priest
Backstreet Boys
Marilyn Manson
Phantom of the Opera
Spinal Tap
"Don't take your sick to the........hospitals until futher notice!"
Alex McLean (and Kevin Richardson)
singing by myself
my car
walking to math behind Nate and him not knowing I'm there until we get to the door
the cult that is Tech
theatre in general
hanging out with my friends
my boots (all 3 pairs of them!)
my hair now that it's long again
Rammstein and singing along in German
Nine Inch Nails
watching Next because it's stupidly entertaining
listening to Pat's stories about his experiences in the industry
Glenn Tipton
my room with its red walls and black stripes and all the pics
night time
watching Disney movies
watching movies in general
Not holding grudges against people anymore
Gerard Butler
my MP3 player
cheese pizza
green grapes
jeans and sweatshirt weather
talking to Josh
girls night
phone conversations that tend to last at least an hour
Hot Topic
John 5
staying up until 4 in the morning talking about nothing
watching James Bond movies
going to playgrounds
Prell shampoo
Pantera's "Cemetary Gates"
Altec Lansing Speakers
the lists (Sarah and Mahoney know what I mean)
commentating with friends on really bad movies
talking to the guy next to me at NCG even though he was on a date
talking to Britt and Aliza about absolutely nothing
Goo Goo Dolls
the tv show Numbers (Don & Charlie Epps)
listening to Nyal rant
Comparitive Religions
knowing what I want to do with my life
phone calls every Sunday evening to Clarkston
making chocolate and banana shakes at one in the morning
helping my family when they really need me
thinking about Colorado
remembering concerts I've attended
feeling relatively intelligent
angry letters that never get written
private islands
the word grotesque
notebooks filled with randomness from long car rides and plane rides
slide puzzles
stupid online quizzes that pass the time
Meet the Barkers becuase it is also stupidly entertaining
strawberry popsicles
knowing that half the shit on here is just Maya but that I will have many more lifetimes to correct that

Don't make fun of me for some of my answers, as I will kill you and yes, that too would make me happy!
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