This was a survey thingy on Char's journal...Obviously this is not the whole thing, but there are just some facts I don't feel exactly comfortable with posting on a public site. Plus I took out some of the more idiotic questions...
First name: Jannae
nickname(s): JJ
gender: Female
age: 17
birthday: 10-09-87
height: meh tall for a girl
hair color: changes every couple of weeks right now - "chocolate cherry" aka bright fucking red
eye color: brown
race: caucasion
do you wear glasses or contacts: no
do you have braces: not anymore
is your hair long or short: short-ish but I'm growing it out
where were you born: in a hospital
current location: my basement
zodiac sign: libra
how many languages do you know: one fluently but I can get my way through Spanish
nationality: german scottish welsh and british and rumor has it a bit irish
bad habits: pick one
piercings you have: each ear twice
piercings you want: my ears once more, possibly the cartiledge or an industrial bar and maybe my tongue
tattoos you have: none
tattoos you want: this one Judas Priest symbol and/or something tribal
today's date: may 15th
the time: : 7:48pm
: School:
are you still in school: yup
Did you drop out: hard to do if I am still in school
current GPA, or last GPA you got: 3.7-ish
Favorite grade: hmmm don't have one
Least favorite grade: I don't know
who’s your favorite teacher: wow...tricky I've had a lot of good teachers
Least favorite teacher: McKinney or Snook
Favorite subject: Lit or Social Studies
least favorite subject: science
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: brown bag it
Play any sports on the school's team: yeah no - I did but I put a stop to that
Do/did you do any extracurricular activities: tech
Are/were you popular: not so much
Favorite dance: *laughs* riiiight like I attend those....
Favorite memory: Colorado vacation with Sarah (makes me smile every time)
Least favorite memory: oooooh.... 2 weeks ago tomorrow
: Favorites:
number: 13, 18, 43
clothing brand: can't say that I have one
Shoes: my Mason boots
Saying: yeah not so much <-- literally that is my fav saying these days
TV show: Family Guy
Sport: none
Vegetable: carrots aren't bad green beans are good with butter....
Fruit: strawberries
Movie: American History X
Magazine: right now Revovler
Actor: Liam Neeson
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Candy: anything chocolate
Gum: Orbit - the green kind
Scent: men's cologne or LEMON! (right Sarah?)
Candy bar: Kit Kat
Ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Color: black or red (grey isn't bad either)
Season: fall
Holiday: Friday the 13th! lol Halloween
Bands: Judas Priest, NIN, Sabbath,....basically anything metal
Singer: Rob Halford
Group: Judas Priest
Rapper: Rap music sucks ass - its not even real music
Type of music: Heavy Metal \m/
Thing in your room: my music collection
Place to be: with my friends
Radio station: Z 93 (93.3) its an up north station
TV channel: any of the movie ones
Junk food: chips and dip
Overall food: pizza!
Store: Hott Topic
Fast food: wendys
Restaurant: Bennigans
Shape: the 5 pointed star aka the pentagram and no I'm not a satanist
Time of day: night
Country: the only other country I've been to is Canada and we all know thats not a real country
State: Colorado or Oregon
Boys name: Gabriel or Liam
Girl’s name: Ariana or Anika
Mall: hmm don't know
Video game: don't play
Shampoo: Prell - it smells good
Board game: Scrabble
Computer game: don't play
Swear word: Hell b/c it doubles as a location...................I meant Hell, Michigan my god your evil
Word: acceptable - don't ask why it just is
Month: October
Cartoon character: Stewie
Scary movie: hmm From Hell or SAW...I'm missing one....damn cannot think
Possession: my MP3 player or my car
Well the weekend in coming to a close. Friday after school was spent with Randy, Collin and Britt @ Britt's house watching Star Wars Episode 2. After that was the hunt of We parted ways shortly there after - Britt and I ended up at Eastwood wandering around. She spent the night, so we got food and movies. We watched Spirited Away and The Phatom of the Opera (the last one twice because we watched it in the morning as well). Oh man the Phantom gets hotter every time....heehee So now I have seen Phantom 6 yay!
Saturday I worked around the house doing home work and chores. I had to go to the school twice - once to get my water bottle from the booth and once to get a book I needed. I got caught the second time by the post prom comittee (ie: Mr and Mrs Sutberry) that was interesting.
quick recap for ya- Mrs S: are you attending post prom? Me: no Mrs S: do you want to attend post prom? Me: no Mrs S: are you going to prom? Me: no
She didn't seem too pleased with that...Either she didn't like it that I wasn't going or she didn't like my lack of interest in her futile attempts are conversation...but what the hell ever.... Later on Nyal called me so that we could hang out. Dinner at Bennigans, The Interpreter at Celebration, and Star Wars 2 at my house...I got to sleep around 3 and woke up today at noon. But it was all worth it because we had fun. He gave me a copy of NIN's new CD "With Teeth" not too shabby of an album....but "Pretty Hate Machine" is still my #1
Britt called me and we hung out for about and hour and half wandering about the mall. We went to Hott Topic where I picked up a copy of Revolver Magazine that had a huge article about Trent Reznor in it. New TR poster on my wall : ) and yeah I think thats about it.
Its acutally a pretty sweet magazine, I may have to purchase it again.