Pre-Ota Posting

Aug 18, 2005 16:56

Yes, another long stretch inbetween posts. Have a lot of things going on. Workage is getting a little better, jerk guy is leaving, he quit. Finally, after three talks with the sous chef and numerous complaints I would quit too. But now we are short-handed, at least until the guys come back from vacation. I hope that other guy doesn't get fired for being late again. That would not be fun, more workage and money for me, but I'd have less of a life that I already have. *sigh* We shall see. Health inspector came finally after pushing back our inspection date 4 times. Had to clean the kitchen twice. Jerk guy made stay until 1 am to clean, not once but twice. Fuck him. I was so freakin' mad I wanted to shove a cleaning rag in his face and make him eat it. We have a crew of night cleaners, why are we doing their jobs for them? Told sous chef and he was not happy, he is not allowed to keep the staff after hours, all overtime has to be approved. Gah, just one more week with jerk face and I am free! Thank all that is good in this world. Also, workage has become a little more fun, we have a furry little friend, a mouse. All the shrieking and squealing is somewhat amusing, if only the damn fruit floes stopped flying into my eyes.

Family stuff. Last week my mom and bro came to visit me. My mom wanted to get her "set" together before Garrat heads off to book camp on the 30th. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my bro is going to be a "Coastie". He seems really psyched, my mom is a little bummed, she has the signs of the empty nesting and he's not even gone yet. She says she won't have time to miss when school starts, but I know she will miss him. Heh, even I am a little concerned. He's my bro, he may be a collosal jerk, push my buttons, annoy me to no end but he is my brother. We first headed off to my therapist appointment. She's nice and I like her, so I'll keep seeing her. Then we headed off to Dad's so Mom could go to the beach and walk along the water. Tested my iPod adaptor, works like a charm. Yay! Made it to Dad's and his creepy African Art laden house. So not my thing, been terrified of it since I was 5. Added to that my dad doesn't use the AC at his house, was so hot in there I could barely sleep. Add the creepy factor, pictures of his girlfriend everywhere,and the most uncomfortable mattress imaginable and you get my experience. At least it was free. Next day we booked it out of there, and headed out to explore, checked out the Coast Guard museum, walked on the beach, beat both of them at mini-golf (four holes in one!). Mom got a parking ticket, Garrat got flipped off, and we headed back way late and they crashed at my place. Chilled out and played some Star Wars:Battlefront. Hehe, fun.

Schoolage is okay, one class and the CLEP test for English and I am so done. Yes, yes, yes. Only drawback is that its at the buttcrack of dawn. I am so not a morning person. Never have been, never will be.

Other than that, I am okay, taking my meds, trying to keep my apartment clean, updating my iPod,collecting more comics and manga, packing for the con and making sure that everyone is on the same page. Oh! Cute server from Sam Miller's messaged me. Surprised me. Felt good. Also, Zack person called me, he has a nice voice. We'll see, we'll see.

Later days.... expect con report a few days after the con.

family, school, otakon, work

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