In all my existance i have only once been overcome by a persons presence. Sitting on a bus when i was at uni i noticed a girl, nothing particularly exceptional about her but she had an element about her that i could not deny. A presence that captivated and enthralled me. Chance would have it that we established a friendship of sorts and we spent a
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i have heaps of prodding questions for you but i'll save those for email ;)
haha no, they'll play a lot of old faves, otherwise they'd be lynched. i've got the live dvd at home, it's pretty good. ronan makes me giggle, he looks like the guy from the birdcage, and dances like mason :)
so robin williams boyfriend out of the movie right?
i liked the movie but then my brother made me watch it every day forever, and i got sick of it. He did the same with WItches, and i loved that movie.
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