Countdown to game: t minus 23 days.
Good afternoon all. I'd just like to know what type of combat everyone's going to be specializing in next season. I ask this because almost everyone is a dual to tri sect, and I'd like to see specializations. I'm going to make Zane as a level 2, and those extra 10 CP are going into combat. What combat depends on how you guys specialize. He'll go to the combat type the group is weak in. I'm going to be making an in-group ally in combat, rather than the extragroup member who we may or may not be sure of (Zed, Miroar, the Aardwolfians). You guys will need an ally you can depend on this season.
Speaking of combat, I've been looking back at mage combat, and I think, to balance it out, I'm going to be ripping all of the special attacks out of the book and assigning a mp value to each. You build a spell by choosing those effects. That way, mp values I give you are no longer arbitrary, and damage values are more stable as well. Mana recharge is next on my todo, but that's mostly solidified in how much energy each of your chakras gives you. I just need to work our tick lengths.
Because people are so attached to their characters, I will continue to partially protect character lives. However, as damage values get more solidiied, it becomes harder to protect. I suspect that I can continue this practice for the final 2 seasons in this universe. If people still want to play, then the next universe- Well, everything'll be up in the air.
If everyone could please join the community at it woul be much appriciated. After the first game on the 22nd, I'm going to make it mandatory that people at least LOOK at the community, since I'll be posting game announcements there, instead of here at my personal journal. Announcements have a tendancy to get buried here, and I'd like to make sure you guys get the information, so there are no surprises.
Schedule forthe game on the 22nd has become somewhat more solidified. Brii works 2nd shift, and I don't want her to miss Plot, and there is some information that I want you guys to get about Zane and meroe, and between Meroe and Bronwyn. It'll be given via in character acting between brii and I. Improv too. Weeee!!
Anyway, here's what I think it'll be.
I get out of here at 5:30, and at my place by 6:15-6:30. I'll get food and relax from work, and maybe take a quick nap so I can stay up for a night of gaming. :-D
Leave home at 8, get to UMD at 8:15-45 depending on if Adam's driving or not. :-)
I'd like evreyone to be at Rob's by 8:30, so everyone's there when Adam and I arrive. I'll jump right in to character finalization. This will include the in character interview of "why should you take you aboard." We'll pretend meroe's there.
I figure that'll take us till 10:30-11 or later, knowing you guys. You take roleplay and gnaw on it like Pepper used to go after lamb bones. Brii should arrive shortly around 11. We won't let her rest, and we'll jump right into the conversation between meroe and zane, and between meroe and Bronwyn. Then we'll start game.
Because it'll be first game, and I'll be dead, I plan on being done between 12 and 1AM. Because of this, I made a VERY simple little roleplay for that night. Should take between 1 and two hours. There won't be any combat, but there will be a little mystery.
And you get pets out of it. :-D
Rob, in your response, since you're the host, could you tell me what you think about my arrivial time? If you want me there earlier, any chance you can throw food at me? I'll just make Adam drive no matter what. Also, what room is it?
And last but not least, a reminder that I'll probably repeat at game. We're going to be dealing with multiple Myths this ga,me. Myths which exist in this universe. Therefore, it's going to be much harder to avoid getting whites. I suggest this:
If you think you realize what Myth the party is in, take me aside and confirm it. Then we do a few things.
First, I tell you whether or not that myth has been writen about in timeline 3 (The current one we're on in my universe). There's a chance it hasn't. Maybe Gwenyood hasn't been writen about in our universe. If that's the case there's no way you can use information about Gwenyood in game. However, if it does exist, we find out if your character knows about it. This is a combination of your character background, you defending your right to know it, and a roll. So there is a chance you will be able to use that knowledge in game. But, if we haven't established if your character knows that Myth, and you use information form the book or movie in game, it's a white for you.
Don't think I have anything else to say. Questions are always welcome.