All that Helsinki has wanted since his room disappeared was a place to sleep where he wasn't tossing and turning. Naturally, no living area is symmetrical to his purposes, and no matter how he tried to get Vantaa to move the furniture, absolutely nothing would work. Naps from time to time would work, but every time he woke up because his brain
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He chuckles a bit, slipping the flask back in his hoodie pocket. While sitting beside the sleeping man, he watches him closely.}
[sleeping Usko feels that stare, but thinks it's just Vantaa trying to get him to wake up - which isn't happening, no sir. he grunts a little, turning his face away from the other, still blissfully unaware that he's naked underneath the sheet that's already only barely keeping him covered.]
[oh god, oh god, don't do it! he frowns a little as he notices the cold air invading his hot blankets, and will be smacking a hand down behind his back to put it back down. being cold is unacceptable! >:C]
[his soft snore will be interrupted by a rather ugly snort as his ear is flicked, the hand that was holding the sheet down coming up to rub at it as he finally cracks an eye open, already pouting.]
What, whaaat? I'm awake!
[he turns his head, looking absolutely horrified at hearing Dimitri instead of Eleonoora. and when he realizes that he is, indeed naked (after a little peek) he's going to squeal like a girl, yanking up the blankets to uncover his feet but keep his waist well covered.]
[because that's not creepy or anything. slowly. scooting. awayyyyyy.]
W-Why would you do that?
You looked so peaceful...and I am bored.
I needed something to do.
[so suspicious. his eyes narrow at the other.]
Oh really? [and then - it dawns on him, and he looks mildly horrified.]
T-Then, were you the root of that breeze earlier?
[well now he just wants to die. just smother himself in a nearby pillow. or just run. but there's no way he's getting up to try and escape, and possibly unwillingly show Dimitri anymore than he's already taken to finding out for himself.
he hopes you enjoyed looking at his paleness and burn scars from Russian invasions, Dimtri. >:C because that's what he's deluding himself the other capital was paying attention to.]
What's wrong, Usko?
[nothing.. just.. dying inside. nothing big. no biggie - ]
A-ah, just... [sigh.] nothing.... [slowly, slowly eeking his way further away from the other.]
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