Voting, boating, porn, and cigarettes.

May 19, 2006 00:10

I'm 18, and I'm glad.

My birthday was both amazingly fun and mildly disturbing. Mostly fun, though.

Firstly, Arial, Emily Bailey, Wil, and I went to Denny's, where Emily made Wil uncomfortable a lot and we all ate.

After that, we took Wil home, and went to the Conservatory. We only went inside for a few minutes, because we met some awesome people named Cago and David, who invited us to their van to celebrate upon hearing that it was my 18th birthday. You know people are truly cool when they'll share their whiskey with you.

It was great until Ari realized that she didn't have her keys. We looked all around for them and eventually saw that they were in the passenger seat of the locked car. Ari was crying because she'd just had to call locksmith less than a week before, when she left her keys in the ignition at April's bachelorette party, so she was understandably upset. This guy we'd met, who had a gun and whose name was Mississippi, noticed Ari was crying, came over and said, "Aw girl, you don't need to be crying," and handed her his blunt, which we all ended up sharing. That made things pretty funny for awhile. (Sidenote: I'd just like to say that I do understand the importance of moderation and timing when it comes to drinking and smoking. I don't want to sound like someone who does these things a lot, simply because I don't.) One of the Conservatory security guys tried to break into the car, but to no avail, so Ari called her mother and had her bring us the spare key. Cago and David had already left.

Emily was really hungry, so we drove to Sonic and ate cheddar bites.

We then went to Eric's Apartment, where Ari and Emily argued a bit, which was incidentally followed by the complete and utter breakdown of Emily Bailey. It was the kind of breakdown that consists of loudly smashing every single thing in the room (thankfully, it was the room next to the one we were in, leaving us relatively safe from the carnage), screaming and crying alternately, and the eventual slitting of the wrists. Yeah. I felt really bad that she was obviously so upset, but it's impossible to do anything at all for someone who you're afraid to even get near to, and I was primarily freaked out by the whole situation. Emily was okay, though, and either walked home or got some very brave soul to drive her home. Ari and I went home soon after. I've decided to consider this paragraph's happenings to have been on the day after my birthday, because I'd rather not remember that as something that happened on what was otherwise a lovely day for me.

So, not including the bit of craziness at the end, my birthday was fantastic. And I love Arial for doing so much to make it that way.
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