"It's been a good five years."

Jan 30, 2006 17:16

Hope's the Carrot (Reunited for Green Door's Final Shows)
The Misled
The Victory
Minutes Too Far
Dead Last
The Zippadells
Pigpens Mess

As of last night, the Green Door as we know it is officially closed.

How do you deal with the loss of something that has been so important to you during such a crucial time in your life?

Arial and I have had so many good times at the Green Door. It was our place to go, a second home. From ages 13 to almost 18, we've grown up there. This may sound overly dramatic, but it has honestly changed our lives. Music wouldn't be such a big part of my life today if I'd never started going to the Green Door.

No place else has made me feel so at home. You don't have to worry about being judged or looked down upon when you know everyone around is just like you. Some of us may be outsiders at home or at school, but the Green Door was our own. The sense of equality and camaraderie at the Green Door was and is inimitable.

It's such a loss for so many of us, as well as for Oklahoma itself. Sure, there are other venues, but nothing will ever replace the Green Door.

I'm just so fucking sad. I feel alone, effusive as that may be. I wasn't prepared for this. The Green Door is a part of me, and I don't want that part of me to die. So, as Reggie the Owner has charged us all to do, I will go to as many shows as possible, and keep the spirit of the Green Door alive. The Green Door will never die.

To paraphrase Justin Sane of Anti-Flag, these have truly been the days we will never forget.
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