I want to post what all is in my RSS Feed Reader. I am doing this because I want to know what or who I should add to my list to begin reading daily.
In no particular oder (I used to know the html that opens links in new windows but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. Sorry about me forcing you to hit your back button to get back to this post as you are clicking-through):
Slashdot - I rarely read through all of the articles on here anymore. I will usually have about 50 unread at a time.
Dooce - Chuck is my absolute favorite. Every single thing he does cracks me up.
Creating Passionate Users - A blog about business and your customers
Lifehacker - This site always has pretty cool stuff to waste your time on
Fox News Life Section - Where I keep up on all of the important news like that the Britney/K-Fed sex tape is non-existent
Seth Godin's Blog - Great author who talks about marketing
Army of Mom - The first of the parent blogs I read. I don't know how I got started reading parent bloggers but now I'm invested in their life so I have to read. She lives in the Dallas area.
Blurbomat - Dooce's husband's blog
Fox Health Section - So I can keep up on the latest diseases or so I can keep up on the newest health breakthroughs like fast food can lead to obesity!
PostSecret - Site where anonymous postcards are sent in listing secrets...hence PostSecret
Amalah - Another parent blogger but she is hilarious and her kid is adorable
A Day in the Night - Another mom blog but she used to be a stripper and she lives in Houston
43 Folders - Similar to Lifehacker
Make Austin Normal - enough said
Wonkerjaw - One of Walker's friends from Austin
Pammiecakes - I think Sondra may have gotten me started on this one but I don't remember
CrazyWalker - Walker's blog
365-24-7 - This is a blog of a girl who also was in Phi Lamb and was the webmaster for the Phi Lamb Texas Tech chapter. She usually has pretty insightful stuff about God.
Accidental Julie - *Edit* I started reading her site because we had talked briefly about the Austin's Children Museum (we both got married there), I've been hooked ever since!
veryGEORGE! - Dooce's cousin
Wired News - tech geek stuff
The Blogfathers - dad bloggers, started reading this one because Dad Gone Mad posts on it
Daily Oliver - Daily picture of weimaraners. I think I started watching this because Walker used to read the textism website. I stayed for the dogs.
Snarkywood - This site is hilarious but they don't post regularly. They usually focus on making fun of one celebrity. Amalah and Dad Gone Mad post to it
My Beloved Monster and Me - Dad blogger. Sondra led me to him because he was originally from Austin.
Waiter Rant - Benay showed me this one. It is about the life of a NY waiter at a fancy restaurant
Beyond Monochrome - Site where Walker posts pictures
Blog Maverick - Mark Cuban's blog. I read it because I think he makes some great posts about business
TVGasm - Weekly summaries of tv shows and other stuff
Dad Gone Mad - Dad blogger who is hilarious
The Sarcastic Journalist - another mom blogger
Free iTunes Downloads - blog about exactly that
MamaPop - New site that talks about pop-culture
Kerflop - another mom blog
Steve Aishman Photography - Walker's professor
Other things I read but have no RSS feed:
Atlanta Metroblogging - a site where I can pick up some random info about Atlanta
Bry-Bry.net Forum - My friend Bryan's site
My LiveJournal friends that I check on constantly through-out the day
Best Page in the Universe - enough said
MindMatter Congratulations if you made it to the end. I hope you clicked on a few links and found some new interesting stuff to read. Let me know if there is any site or person that I should be reading.
Oh yeah...Happy Thanksgiving. Walker and I will be driving to Greenville, SC to spend the day with Walker's step-mom's sister and her husband.