Nov 03, 2005 17:16
So today I had the class to myself for about 45 minutes. Now, granted they think that Miss Crook is playtime... I had to get strict or I was going to lose control. But I never screamed. I raised my voice and entered a tone that I didn't think would exist until I had children of my own blood.... but it happened. I regained control. This goes back to what I was saying about the teaching. I've only been there for about two months - a couple times a week, and only now am I full time. I didn't scream at them, I didn't humiliate them... I told them that we weren't playing anymore and it was time to be quiet, and they listened. Granted I had pitch and tone... it wasn't screetch.
I just don't get it. I don't understand the point of yelling at a seven year old. Even when the kids were starting to piss me off today, I would hold up a finger and tell them to sit down and I would be with them in a minute. I didn't yell at them - or tell them to move their clip for being out of their seats - I understood when there were too many students out of their seats and I told everyone to sit down and raise their hands. But screaming?
And what's the deal with CONSTANTLY calling the boy up to the board to answer a math problem when you know good and well that he can't even do it at his desk. He doesn't volunteer - because he knows he can't do it. Humiliation isn't going to teach him how to work the math problem... one on one tutoring will. All humiliation will teach him is ... "I'd better not answer this question because I'll probably be wrong" This will be his outlook in older grades. He'll be timid and weary of ever answering a question and will never volunteer to go to the board. He's not going to have any confidence in his academics and he's only seven years old. That makes me sad. But that's just my thought process. "I'm not a teacher yet - I'll learn with time." I'm sorry, but that statement is getting old too. I can see when a child has a hurt heart. And that isn't necessary either.
Too bad all teachers weren't born with the same level of patience. It would make it much easier on kids. For example, I don't mind if kids are shouting answers. When it gets crazy - I quiet them and start calling names. I don't mind if students are getting up to ask me a question rather than raising their hand. It doesn't bother me that the classroom is so active. It SHOULD be a working classroom - not a dictatorship. I understand that there needs to be control. But MY classroom management strategies are left up to MY discretion. Just because it pisses you off that there are two kids talking at once... doesn't mean I can't use BOTH of my ears to hear each answer. Get over it.
I'm going to take a nap before work. School just drains me anymore. :(
Until later...