May 14, 2010 17:11
So I'm at Josh's school just hanging out while Josh and Braden try to edit their movie. I'm worried because it's there only day to do it, so hopefully they're getting some stuff done.
Anyways, so Pam told me that there are rats that people want to rehome, and they are two male rats, bedding, food, toys, and three tier cage FOR FREE! I figure even though we're moving, they should be fine... I mean we could probably keep them in my cage during the move, with a sheet over them. Also a sheet over Ryu. Just hoping my mom or Derek won't get too mad since she may think we shouldn't get them AND guinea pigs while we're there, especially before we have a job. And Derek might not know how it'll work because of the leg room in the moving van. Well I figure it's a good deal, only if the rats are tamed and friendly, because a cage like that is probably at least 100 bucks, plus everything offered PLUS the rats. Josh really wants rats, and it would be the cheapest way to go instead of me getting a few guinea pigs AND THEN getting rats once we have jobs. That way maybe if there are no guinea pigs at the Humane Society, we can do the opposite and have the rats first, then get jobs, then get guinea pigs. That will work better anyway seeing as how I think making the cage for guinea pigs might be more expensive than I thought. We'll see. I want to see if we can call that place and say we're interested and ask information and stuff about it and maybe go to see them tomorrow or something. I don't know where that house is, so I'm hoping Josh will want to go see them. Well, if he's not that interested in seeing them, then I suppose that's a sign that he's not really interested in the rats. So there ya go.
I'm just getting pretty excited about it, I mean I get excited about every animal! It's like oooh rats! I'm just wondering if I should call sometime soon or what? I'm sure Josh wouldn't call. Ugh. I'm nervous. Since I got here I've been looking up some info about rats, like so I can learn a bit more about them before we decide to get them. They don't seem harder to take care of then guinea pigs, so it shouldn't be a problem. I just wonder how my mom will feel about them, I mean she said that we should probably pick one or the other first when we move anyway, so this way it will be a lot cheaper. Who knows.