slate gray.....

Nov 14, 2005 21:45

so two of the most important people in my life....i found out yesterday did coke. im really not one to judge but thats dumb as fuck and ok here were the excuses:

#1 person-i had alot of shit on my mind and i had never tried it before so i did it just to see what it was like
#2 person- there was no one there to stop me,and i wanted to try it atleast once.

basically the same fucking excuses right? why does everyone think that shit like that is a game? snorting white shit up your nose is not ok or normal, and no its not something that you should try atleast once. how about not trying it at all?!yea sounds like a good fucking idea to me.

Brittany Lauren Thornburg went into premmature labour this past weekend, her baby was only 5 months old,shes only 17.They performed a caesarean section on her to try to save the baby.The baby took two breaths and its lungs collapsed, and the baby died. They say it was because of the mothers young age and cigerette smoking. Maybe that baby would have been strong enough to survive if it didnt have the un-needed stress on it.

learn from lifes mistakes
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