Jul 25, 2006 01:27
Since no one ever reads this thing...I guess it doesn't matter what I write. I have come to the realization that I am the worst person alive on letting things go. I seem to hold on to every memory, every moment, everything from the past. I can't let it go. But there is something that I need to let go...but eveytime I get close to letting it go I never seem to really fully let go. It's time I did though. I am also the worst person on getting things done that need to get done..I am not saying like job things, I am saying personal things. Such as; Goals, dreams, wishs. I would say that I am scared but I don't really feel scared. Maybe, it's more or less that I am worried that because I don't know the outcome, I think it will be bad. That isn't the case though, everything a person goes through is for a reason and though they may not know the reason they will in their lifetime find out what the reason was. You see all of this is so easy for me to explain to myself, but I can't ever make myself believe it, or so is seems that way. I am not one to ever really take my advice, but it's always hard to admit to yourself that you are scared or have a problem. Though, I am not saying that this is really a problem, more of a fear that needs to be taken care of. I am at the point in my life that the more I think about life the more I wonder if it will ever be the way a person wants it to be? Does that really happen? To me the human life is at a point in this world that none of us know what they are to do in this world. Maybe thats a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing. But I think all anyone should ever want in life is the joy and happiness that life and living give you. Everything that I just said may not make sense but to me at this time of night and this state of mind(I am not on drugs or drunk) this makes the most sense to me.