Feb 25, 2006 20:07
It seems like its about this time every year that I seem to start feeling really blah and depressed. I hate it, and I hate even more that there seems to be nothing that causes it. It just comes out of nowhere, and it drives me nuts. I just start to feel,well,sad and depressed. And I have been feeling that way a lot lately. And it makes me feel like I'm just plain not good enough. I have homework I should be doing and I just dont find myself wanting to at the moment. All I really feel like doing is curling up and sleeping. And I hate the cold weather. I like being able to just lay out in the backyard and feel the sun on me. I know its only a few months away, but it seems like its gonna be all snowy and icky forever. I should be getting another day at work. Thats gonna suck because I dont like work at all, but I guess the extra money will be worth it. I dont feel like complaining anymore...sorry to anybody who actually read through all of this.