Mar 11, 2011 11:36
I feel so good about my life lately.
I've been doing cardio kickboxing a.c.k.c. now twice a week, it's rather intense. I feel so amazing afterwards, even if I can't walk straight. It's so worth it. Our teacher is a 6-degree black belt, she is so inspiring, amazing, charismatic, just wonderful and influential. You WANT to make her proud through your work. It makes the week go by really fast.
I was promoted at work. I'm now my own media buyer with my own markets. I'm absolutely loving it, it's fun, challenging, and fufilling. I'm seriously and sincerely enjoying myself. Work is so much fun, but by no means easy.
Home life is absolutely amazing. J and I have been getting closer and closer with each passing day. I can't believe how much I am falling in love. There are areas of my heart that are expanding that I never knew were even there, much less possible.
I feel really complete. I feel fufilled. I feel so amazing with my life, I need a thesaurus to think of more ways to describe it. I feel independant.
Independance is something that I never grew up with, I've never had before. I've never even remotely experienced it until recently. Perhaps that's what's getting my heart to beat so fast. It gives me this inner feeling of confidence that eminates from my core. This feeling of worth, that I'm doing something good, that I'm contributing to the world and to my life.
With the tsunami/earthquake/natural disasters that are occuring, they've been helping me think more about my life and what kind of person I am. What do I want out of this life that can be taken away at any moment? I want to be happy. I want to be a good person. I want to have fufilling, deep relationships with others. I want to have spiritual, emotional, mental connections and relationships.
If the world ended tomorrow, I know I would be happy. That's something I could never say before.
I feel secure with myself. I feel good about myself. I feel awfully wonderful about my relationship with my partner. I didn't know it was possible for us to grow closer and closer.. but we are. It's almost surprising. Of course we have our ups and downs like every other relationship does, but even when we have our downs, we soar up higher than we ever have been before.
I know I made the right choice. I know he is my soul mate. He knows more about me than I could ever realize, and he teaches me life lessons every day. How amazing is that? He loves helping me develop into an independant, good, moral person. He is my inspiration. I love making him proud, making him smile, making him laugh. Listening to his laughter literally gives me butterflies. It makes me so happy. He has such a beautiful sense of humor... nothing could ever replace that. If I get to laugh with him every day of my life from now on, nothing could make my life more perfect.