A faint curiosity on the crime stats in Baltimore City struck me this week. Thank goodness for Google Maps. For instance: say you want to see the descriptive icons representing the various non-fatal transgressions. You could look here:
http://www.crimebaltimore.com/ But being a fan of such Charm City exports as Homicide and the Wire you're probably more interested in the general distribution of murders. Fortunately the Baltimore Sun has kept track:
http://essentials.baltimoresun.com/micro_sun/homicides/ If I overlay both I feel pretty secure in living to see another day, my wallet however, may not be as lucky.
Over about the past three weeks, I've finally dove headlong into the Wire and finished the first three seasons. It's high art. It's addictive. I cleared on average three episodes a night. As each episode runs an hour, I've spent a good chunk of my free time on this venture, not that I mind but I'd like to devote some energy to a project that shows tangible results at the end. I'm holding off on starting the fourth season so I can get a chance to rejoin my fellow man in the real world. Maybe a volunteering gig? Bah.
Does anyone know any simple dinner recipes they could share? I need to diversify.