Aug 27, 2008 15:23
I got kicked out last night. My friend left his bong at the house the night before and I was going to give it back to him. Well my mom found it. We got into this HUGE fight, and then she sid from now on I have to follow her rules, and I said no matter, I'm moving out in a week or two anyways, and she said fine pack up your shit and get the fuck out tonight. And I was like what? And she said ya you think your so high and mighty get the fuck out. And I said ok, thanks for being a great mother. So she smashes the bong and tells my friend to pick it up and I said no! You made the mess. And we started fighting about it, and I saqid fine I'll pick it up, bring it into the kitchen dump it and make you clean it, (at the time I had a backpack, my guardbag, and a knife in my hand) and she jumps up and attacks me. Starts grabbing and hitting me and talks about respect. And then she asks for the house key, I give it, and she says pick this up, and I said ok and then you can shove it up your ass, she attacks me again, infront of my house! And amanda gets in it trying to hold her back. And she takes my phone, and we say our fuck yous and then I leave. I gave Amanda a hug to. She was crying. I never thought that would happen.
So now I'm staying with my cousin Carrie till I move out. It should all work out.