Long time coming

Oct 02, 2011 00:03

It's been a long time coming and I can finally be satisfied with my decision. I am leaving the military. I'm going to school. I'm writing my own ticket, my own history, and even my own story. I realized that I am really sick of living someone else's story.

As of October (plus or minus a month), I will no longer be Stackhouse. It'll be Stack or Chris or even (really though... I hope not) Mouse. MM1 will cease to exist and the old guy on campus will be born. My life will revolve around school and finishing anything I need to ensure my own success so that I can always be there for the big events and the family get-togethers. I refuse to miss anymore of my life.

I don't want it to be read that I have any regrets either. I enjoyed the good parts, hated the long days, and did all the things anyone else with a job did. I just did it out in the middle of the ocean... For 9 months at a time...

My service members and I did great things in the world and I will always hold those select missions close to the heart and remember the help we rendered and the sacrifices we made with the highest regard. It's a matter of time. It's time to go. It's time for change


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