So yeah, I cut my nose while I was getting in to my car this morning!
I somehow tripped or lost my balance after I'd put my purse in on the passenger side. My right hand flew to my face. That hand was holding my keys, and of course, the ignition key for the car was sticking out. The teeth of the key ripped across the bottom part of my nose (sort of on the bottom of that corner where it meets my face) and it really hurt! Then I realized it was bleeding! It didn't stop bleeding for about 40 minutes... I had to take a Kleenex in with me to the weekly staff meeting at 8:30... go me!! Now there is just a little red spot there. But to me, it's a lot like Hester Prynne's red A... in this case, the red dot of dorkiness... lol.
In other, non-nose-injury-related news (lol), my mom and I got new cell phones yesterday. We each got the
LG VX8300 and a Bluetooth headset... ohhhh yeahhhh.