OK, I'm awake now...

May 09, 2006 20:45

...about 15 minutes ago the fire alarm went off all over the building! Auuugggghhhh!

I did what you are supposed to do when the alarm goes off. I grabbed my keys (so I could get back in later) and ran out to the closest exit, not even stopping for a coat or shoes (I was wearing slippers). Of course, it is pouring buckets outside. So I stood under the awning since the building did not appear to be on fire or exploding or anything along those lines. (Trust me, if it did, I wouldn't care if I got wet or got my slippers muddy.)

I was astonished to see a few minutes pass before I saw people go by in the hall on the other side of the doorway. They had their jackets, were carrying purses, etc. and were headed towards the front door. What if it was a real fire? Is saving your purse worth it? Is there anything wrong with going out a little-used side door if it's the closest one to you?

Well, the good news is that I met another one of my neighbors in the process - Ian in C5, the only other person to come out the side door I used. Nice guy.

Anyway... I was feeling pretty blah before. Now I am a little more alert, but not really in a better mood!

Good news is... the alarms work!


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