Huey Lewis and the News was fantastic! Granted it was an adventure for
midnightcoder and I to get there and back (we had to contend with multiple lines of the T, some of which were under construction), but the concert itself was really good. If it weren't for the fact that the t-shirt I bought there said "Live at 25," and the fact that they were really popular in the 80's, I wouldn't have guessed that this was a band as old as I am! My favorite song of the night was "The Heart of Rock and Roll" because it mentioned Boston, which made everyone go nuts :) it's funny, Huey kept saying how happy he was to be back in Beantown. I remember hearing someone say once that only non-natives call Boston "Beantown." How true it is. Anyway... Here is my "I swear this REALLY IS Huey Lewis" picture which I took with my phone:

Friday night I went over Janet's house, and we had tea. It was really relaxing for both of us to just kick back and chill with a cup of chamomile (which made us both sleepy).
Saturday night was lots of fun.
midnightcoder and
polgara_3000 created a David Eddings d20 RPG, which I went to with
drakin769, Dennis and DJ. It's funny, I read all of those books a few years back (the Belgariad, etc) and had all but forgotten about them, but when we were playing on Saturday it all came back to me (prompting Lindsey and I to both break out in an impromptu Celine Dion singalong - "it's all coming back, it's all coming back to me nooooowwwww...."). I played a Sendarian horse farmer (+15 to Handle Animal and +9 to Ride - take that!!) who had a pitchfork for a weapon :D
Sunday, Mom and I went to
sunniski's for brunch. Jeremy and Ben were also there. We had yummy pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream :) there were also muffins, mini bagels, and scrambled eggs (but I don't eat eggs... ewwwwww). Then Alicia took Mom and I for a walk to see her new apartment building, where she'll be moving in a couple of weeks. We almost ran into her ex... oops... that would have been awkward.
Today, it took me over an hour to get to work. Usually it takes me about 30-35 minutes. Apparantly, an expansion joint popped out of a bridge near the exit for Route 110 in Chelmsford. When I got on the highway, it was backed up to Route 38; a short time later (I kept calling SmartRoutes to properly assess the situation), it was all the way back to Route 93. I did not get to work until 8:30, and yeah, we start at 8:00. Oops again.
Oh yes, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU
jsav1972 for his most generous donation to
the ALS walk. I just found out about it today. YOU ROCK!! :)