Weekend update

Aug 28, 2007 16:48

Ok so I am a day late and a dollar short as usual LOL.

TFW was a new experience for me.  First off I went without either Mommy or Daddy.  Second I was presenting.  Third I was going  with vanilla boyfriend in tow.  I admit, I really did not want to go.  That being said I had a very good time.  I would like to thank all the people who put it together as they did a very good job.

I taught Etiquette in the scene and had a surprisingly large turnout.  I was terrified being in front and I felt like I was scattered and disjointed.  The class however must have felt differently.  I have since gotten 3 emails from attendees.  They were a wonderful class and they made my transitioning the class to the interactive point go seamlessly.  I am so grateful that scene people, even new scene people DO recognize we can all learn from each other.

I missed the Leather Family Panel.  I thought it was on Sunday, it turned out to be on Saturday.  I feel awful about it but Corey was very understanding.  Thank you again.

My Sisser and I did an age play class together.  I was so glad she was there and she did a fantastic job of leading the class.  It was hard for me at that point, I was shutting down to tell the truth from stress and exhaustion but did not want to let on.  The class did seem to go well with the main issue being that of the noise level.

I brought Jay and he met scene friends and my family.  It seems my vanilla boyfriend is not as vanilla as I first thought.  He has expressed interest and I will be bringing him to some novice meetings and to the Wonderland Party this weekend for TES.  I have got several bite mark bruises from him as well.

In all it was a great weekend and I got to spend it with fantastic  people.  I only wish my Mommy & Daddy were there too.
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