Oh, whatever. I don't owe you a title.

Jul 14, 2008 11:06

So the hubs pulled out all the CDs from the car this weekend, as they're hopelessly jumbled. Everything in the wrong cases, some not in cases, blah blah blah. And he offered to burn several of my CDs into itunes for me, the Supersuckers's "La Mano Cornuda" in particular.

I think my "eh" reaction surprised him. But the thing is, I use my ipod for individual songs. Like, a CD that I only like one or two songs from, I'll put those on the ipod. But something like La Mano Cornuda, I listen to the whole album. Because it's all good. So why put it on the ipod, when I can just put in the CD itself?

He thought that was weird. I don't. What do you think?

Other little bits:

The Faerie and I were in the parking lot at Tesco the other day and, of course, the person in front of me was inching along at about three miles an hour, stopping and starting, semi-weaving all over the road. I, being the type of red-blooded American girl that I am, went ahead with my loud little litany (say that three times fast) of "What are you doing? What is the matter with you? Get the hell out of my way!" etc. etc.

To which Faerie said, "That's right, Mommy. We're very angry at those fucking people, aren't we?"

Oops. Looks like Mommy needs to be more careful with her language. Sigh. And of course, the best part was, after I managed to swallow my laughter and explain to Faerie that that was not a nice word for a little girl to use, I got to explain to her school when I dropped her off what happened, so just in case she said it there they'd know we were aware of it and it wasn't something we encouraged or anything of that nature. Being the sweet and wonderful people they are (seriously, I adore Faerie's teachers. They are the sweetest girls on the planet, they hug and cuddle the children if the kids need it, they pay so much attention to them. I want to bring them all home with me and bake them cakes) they laughed and said it was no problem and she certainly wasn't the first child to say words like that in school. And to my knowledge she didn't say it again. But, you know, oops.

Also, I saw a woman at Tesco this morning who looked just like my ex-stepmother (until I got closer, anyway). I wish it had been her. I was right by the eggs and I would have happily paid for several dozen to throw at her.

And Wednesday is the hubs's birthday. He'll be 36, and, of course, seems to think that's old, no matter how many times I try to explain to him that 35-55 are a man's sexiest and most powerful years, whereas for a woman (like me) who is about to turn 35 next month (like me)...sigh. I don't think of other women my age as over the hill, but I definitely think of myself that way.

Anyway. Wednesday we will be discussing writing sex without embarrassment, and Friday creating chemistry. I believe those will be the last two "theory" posts before we start getting into actually crafting and writing the scene, so don't forget to come back for them! (If I'm thinking correctly, we'll have a big foreplay workshop-type thing in the beginning of August, and I also anticipate at some point in the next few weeks I'm going to have to do away with personal posts altogether because there's just too much to cover.)

oops, funny children, men & women, i hate getting older, grumpyass, being a bad mom, useless futzing

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